
Master I from on May 10th, 2024
cp-ur 1110 + cp-sr 330
43 cards

Notes & Combos

12 blowout handtraps, droll to hit the high variance of decks in the ladder that add a ton (no one is also playing around it actively)

gamma + bonfire is GG

didnt miss impulse once

the ED is up for changes, i think the sunlight wolf/heatsoul slot can change for something like pitknight earlie (to combo with elf) + something else idk maybe barricadeborg for bad hands, everything else is pretty much link toolbox flexspots

no hard negates because evenly or other breakers arent 100% popular right now so you will win resolving turb most of the time

i did add back an ash with sunlight wolf once tho lol

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assortment of fire decks/branded replays