
Master I from on March 5th, 2024
cp-ur 1200 + cp-sr 150
41 cards

Notes & Combos

I decided to keep suffering with Mannadium this month because I don't want myself exhausted playing Snake Eyes mirror match.

I'm also running Branded Tech because I like how it synergy with ChengYing banish effect. It did win me couple games, but also caused problems if BF or Albaz were on hand (not all the time can use Imagining to suffer back and still be able to full combo)

General ED techs like I:P to Apo/Unicorn may still be very viable vs Snake Eyes, or even Abyss Dweller, but I'm too lazy to change midway.

I cut Droll because that card feels do nothing vs Snake Eyes. Replace with Veiler but also cut it in the last few matches. TTT*3 because playing Mannadium mean you eat handtraps for breakfast, lunch and dinner (-_-!)

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ID for replays: 647-775-477 (3 going second replays in March)