Dragon Link

Master I from on March 31st, 2024
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 510
50 cards

Notes & Combos

I didn't plan to reach M1 this month but Bonfire drops. I reached DC dlv max with the same deck just without the two bonfires.

Now with more consistency from Bonfire, the main combo going first is the Ash 1-card combo going into Savage + Borrolend + Formula Synchron. Formula synchron is draw 1 + synchro-ing into Baron de Fleur in your opponent's turn. So you can end on 2 omni-negates + 1 monster negate + draw 1. This end board does get totally countered by superpoly though.

A small tip is that if you also have tracer / quick launcher you can dump Bystials with dragon ravine and revive them using Pisty.

This deck also feels good going second. I played 15 hand traps so we do expect 1.5 of them being in our starting hand. Playing both Dillingerous and Triple Burst in ED means that tracer is a 1-card combo into Borrelend (requires your opponent to have 2+ monsters). So you can use the snake eyes card to eat the negates then tracer into Borrelend to wipe their field.

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Some good replays from Diamond rank earlier this month.