
Master I from on June 25th, 2023
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Naturia Runick is a control-based strategy, using powerful in and out of archetype synchros and runick spells to interrupt your opponent's plays and deprive them of their resources. Because the build is so consistent and runick cards consist of a couple innate board breakers, the deck is very potent going first against handtraps or going second against a heavy board.

You can ideally end on a board with Fountain + Naturia Beast + Baronne/Chengying with Runicks in hand, though you can produce an end board of this caliber pretty consistently just because you draw so much going through your combos. I honestly liked Chengying more than Baronne despite the risk of Evenly Matched, though both are very powerful. I kind of just switched it up depending on what I felt like.

Only hand trap you really need to worry about is Shifter and Droll, though I scarcely saw Shifter in Master as most meta decks don't run it and I never saw Droll. I ran Called By because of these two which can admittedly be replaced by Evenly Matched but I found Called By to be more useful because it isn't dead going first. Ishizu shuffler came in clutch a couple of time either as interruptions or for recycling ED Runicks. I never made Barkion, Tornado Dragon, or Dweller throughout Master rank though I'd definitely have Barkion at least if you go against a floodgate centered deck (which you can tell by banishing from their deck). All other ED cards I used heftly. I see people playing Donner but I didn't want to spend UR dust on a card that seemed very situational, but I think it'll probably be more useful than Tornado Dragon.

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