
Master I from on June 20th, 2023
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This is the deck i finally hit m1 with, I mainly ran melffy ghoti on the way up untill master 2. Thats where i ran this more pure version with a bunch of hand traps because spright seems to be very prevelant right now and going second into any of the meta decks is really rough unless u stop them comboing off with hand traps

i was on hop ear and more bystials untill i had a few to many run ins with spright so i cut them down, however if ur against more tear / branded id maybe run more bystials and the hop ears again

the extra deck could use some optimisation i feel as the deck list changed a lot rather quickly so there could be a a couple changes in the ED but all in all it worked pretty well

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Here are the Last duels to master 1

You can watch the climb from plat in my Ghoti to master playlist on youtube