
Master I from on July 16th, 2023
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 570
41 cards

Notes & Combos

-I forgot One for One existed, should be good to add.

-Best endboard is Boss Stage(into Utgarda t2)+Croco+Harr+Phantom Fortress+Laevatein. After ripping Fortress is just hanging so IP+Dog/Uni could be good if you find the space.

-Things that barely ever got summoned: Aggregator, Donner, BLS, Scarlight. I would cut BLS for Hyperyton or Dyson Sphere. Donner could be changed for Codebreaker.

-Very very good spot for generaider in the meta currently, it does well vs Labrynth, Tear, Branded, doesn't care about bystials and barely anyone is running droplet.

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Replays id: 497-608-942