Vanquish Soul

Master I from on January 31st, 2024
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I started this season playing Mannadium, but decided to have fun with Vanquish Soul towards the end. What happened was an 11 win streak go Master 2 (against some awful late season decks). I fell back to Earth in M2 going 7-5, but it was enough to crawl my way to Master 1!

So what's going on with this deck? I elected for consistency over anything else. I gambled that getting Razen in my hand was the single goal of the deck. So I took out the Shifters, Crows, and TCOBO and replaced them with Pots and 1 extra Durendal. I also switched Belle for Pantera so that I would have a little bit more engine.

The extra deck is basic. The only change I would make is replacing Apollousa for I:P. My last Master 1 VS deck had Arise-Heart, but I took it out after Kash got hit in the last banlist.

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The only replay is against a perfect Mannadium hand.