Superheavy Samurai

Master I from on January 13th, 2024
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Standard Superheavy Samuary FTK list. The Springans cards don't come up every game, but I found myself pretty thankful to have them whenever I couldn't just FTK. The other extra deck cards feel mandatory for having a play through disruptions. 18 handtraps; Gamma, Ash, Maxx C, and Droll are the most impactful, so the others can really be anything you think is most useful.

I don't see how Soulpiercer, Scarecrow, or some other consistency hit doesn't happen before the next DC Cup, so enjoy this absurd deck while ya can.

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Replay 1: vs ??? - FTK after using Gamma

Replay 2: vs SHS - grindy duel due to handtraps, should have searched Regulus after making Sargas

Replay 3: vs Dogmatika - FTK after getting Alba Zoa'd