
Master I from on January 17th, 2024
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Hey, wait a minute! This isn't Labrynth!

No Labrynth this month because I was getting bored without new cards for it.

This list focuses on using Small World as a good card to be able to search impactful cards and your starters to give Nemleria some much needed consistency. The Small World bridges are a bit complex, but for the most part, the bridges are Gamma, Lava Golem, and the Defenders. For the most part, you will search Dreaming Nemleria, Vanity's Ruler, and Lava Golem. If you really want to play this deck, which I don't really recommend if you want a good deck, please do learn the Small World lines.

I cut Realized and Louve because Realized felt really bad to draw so I cut it for consistency. Without Realized, Louve is pretty much useless so I cut that as well.

Remember to play around Droll & Lock Bird, every deck is running it. Use your Tower search first if you can so you at least can set up Repeter. Your end board most of the time is going to be Repeter pass with some handtraps. Sometimes, you get the opportunity to Tribute Summon Vanity's Ruler and completely destroy some decks, especially those that don't run outs like Infinite Impermanence.

You mostly just go find Dreaming Nemleria get Tower, search Reveil + X so that you can use Reveil to discard Repeter. Repeter is your main game plan and will be used to modulate your Extra Deck so you can resolve Dreaming Nemleria and completely kill their board and follow-up.

To resolve Dreaming Nemleria, you should try to resolve Sweet Dreams, Nemleria before you summon her. This is because if you resolve Sweet Dreams, Nemleria while Dreaming Nemleria is in your Extra Deck, they will become unable to respond to your Nemleria monster summons. This is the big pay-off of the deck once you weaken their board. Her effect is very hard to recover from for most decks, and you should be able to stop their plays after, maybe even win on the turn itself through OTK.

Finally, the Extra Deck isn't super necessary, because a lot of the time, Tower and Reveil will lock you from summoning them. People have their own preferences to how much Extra Deck you really need, but I found that having 15 doesn't make it too hard to be able to summon Dreaming Nemleria, while making her summon effect much more impactful. Calculate what number best suits you, as 15 has their pros and cons.

No stats/replays this time, sorry! Had to full focus this climb.

Thanks to UpperTofu for inspiring me to give this another shot.

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