Superheavy Samurai

Master I from on February 8th, 2024
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Optimum Endboard: Baronne, Chengying / Aegirine, Omega/ Chaos Angel.

Opening hand: 1 SHS starter, 1 Runick, 2 discards (for Scarecrow and Hugin).

Let's say you open with Bike:

  1. Activate Bike, search Wakaushi.
  2. Scale Waka, SS, add Piercer from Monk Benkei.
  3. NS Piercer, make Scarecrow, add Soulpiecemaker.
  4. Scarecrow SS Piercer from GY, make *** Dragon, then Baronne (ADD SCALES).
  5. Soulpeacemaker tribute Scarecrow, (SS WAKAUSHI).
  6. SS Hugin, get Fountain.
  7. Make Tri-edge.
  8. Pendulum summon Wakaushi from extra deck and scales, grab Bike from GY.
  9. There are Tri-edge (level 6), scales (level 4), Bike, and Wakaushi. Decide what you want.
  10. Activate Fountain, if you get another Runick card, you can make Coral from Bike and scales to get 1 extra draw, then get Fountain draw from SS the extender.


  • Going First, always start with SHS line, except if you only open with Runick cards. If you start with Runick line, everything stays the same, you make Coral Geri into Baronne, then NS Piercer going to Scarecrow into *** Dragon line.
  • Going Second, if you open with Bike, you can try to add scales, SS it and make Exciton or synchro, before doing your actual combo.
  • I tried hand looping using Crimson Dis pater + Omega but 1 handtrap is enough to fail your plan, also I hate cutting Chaos Angel and Aegirine.
  • Make both Aegirine and Chaos Angel (light dark) for Branded matchup.
  • Please play around Spoly.

Playing around HTS:

  • Get Maxx C'ed while scaling Wakaushi? CL Hugin, get Fountain, add Piercer, make Gooska. Fountain + Gooska sometimes enough to win you a game.
  • Get Ogre'ed while scaling Wakaushi, CL Hugin (hopefully you have more than 1 or else meh endboard).
  • Droll is the painful one, coping with Gooska and your Runick set card.


  • This deck bully pendulum magician floodgate
  • You can keep up with labyrnth and vanquish soul matchup
  • Runick engine doing well against stun (only if you are lucky drawing the out)


  • Bad starter in this deck is Piercer, if you only have 1 Piercer as a starter and it gets Ash'ed while making Scarecrow (not having Piecemaker to remove it), your Runick is basically done.
  • Fountain only at 1, so if you can't remove the spells from gy you can't use Bike, Waka, and Scarecrow effect. You can still do some synchro by NS it. It sucks though.
  • low hts (maxx c, ash, and gamma)
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