
Master I from on February 28th, 2024
cp-ur 1230 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

N'tss is optional. Hiita is great against their ash blossom. Prob I will cut droll because i rarely used it in my climb and I will put a 3rd veiler and a 3rd nibiru instead. I had to play around a lot of handtraps this season and the timer is tough. I mostly used Sunlight Wolf to get back ash blossom from my GY if I was against branded. Toggle ON and OFF really helped me climb because people change their playstyle if your field lights up and I try to predict what handtrap they have based on my field etc. and try to play around it. A lot of stun players in Master for some reason but if they go 1st and you cannot out their board just scoop and go next. Overall this season was hard to climb to M1. Try not to tilt because your opponent drew the out or when they draw a custom hand and have out for everything (at the end it is what it is). I have some interesting replays showing you how to play around handtraps. Good luck everyone to Duelist Cup!

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ID: 897-716-567