
Master I from on February 15th, 2024
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

D5->M3: Pure Spright

M3->M1: Snake-Eye

MVP: S.S of Subversion - helped to remove floodgate like fossil dyna, forced out opponent's monster interaction, easier to otk with.

S.S Silvera - good under Maxx C + GY(hidden effect)

ED: Formula Synchron, Baronne, Borreload, Elf never got played for me as opponent had interruptions most of times.

Tip?(may be): Going 1st combo-line, keep Flamberge in backrow till end of turn. Don't send Flamberge(in backrow) with Oak to summon another copy of it unless you have negate for nibiru because if you get Nibiru on summon, you might not have anything to follow up. Instead by keeping it in backrow, if you get Nibiru, field spell can summon it from backrow, then continue combo by linking Nibiru token and Flamberge into I:P, Flamberge revive 2 snake-eyes monsters and end board with Flamberge + Almblowhale + I:P(in backrow) + Princess(in GY)

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ID: 890-981-425