
Master I from on February 8th, 2024
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Tried a different approach this time. First, i switched from going naturia beast to blind chaos angel going first + blessing. It won me so many games i was impressed, no one is running outs to chaos angel, and if they do, you can easily stop them with the runick cards. Second, the retaliating C... I was testing it for the sole purpose of stopping super heavy (never came up), but i found that it synergizes very well in the deck to synchro/link/xyz into harpie/donner or tribute it with three to bring out camelia while searching maxx c or cricket when needed, so i left it in the deck. Super satisfied, the run was easier than last month cause no one is running fenrir anymore <3.

Added a replay to show off one of the retaliating uses.

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