
Master I from on February 16th, 2024
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 690
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Not too different from my previous deck that also reached Master 1 last season with a similar 10 win streak. The ED isn't that crucial and is actually the same as last season - I just forgot to add it teehee. There have been games where just summoning Knightmare Gryphon wins me the game but if you have to resort to that you're basically praying your opponent won't read what it does. Aside from that just plop golems + kaiju and use tactics to either board break or set up your otko with whichever spell fits the situation.

Red reboot helps against lab and mathmech but good luck drawing it.

Metalsilver helps quite a bit against Snake-eyes since most of their effects need to target a monster. Just pray they give up before they find out they can remove it with Knightmare Phoenix or Zealantis your board.

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