
Master I from on February 18th, 2024
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 510
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Couldn't beat them so might as well join them.

Endboard is either:

  • Elf, Glaciosaurus from Beta pill, Crimson Dragon and Dolkka/Lagia/AbyssDweller under Elf's pointers. Could be more if you drew UCT or Double pill. Usually needs an extra low Atk monster on hand for Beta.

^For when you're feeling like toxic. Kinda bad against Labs. Always put response mode to 'ON' before turn end so you can summon Calamity in draw phase.

  • Elf, UCT from Double pill, Baronne and Dolkka/Lagia under Elf's pointers. Sometimes also Pank but it's prob better to summon Pank on opp's turn with UCT stomping Petiteranodon.

^The Dinos standard, thanks to @esccanor.

  • Elf, UCT from Double pill, Solda and Dolkka/Lagia under Elf's pointers.

^For when you have to resolve Meteorus destruction effect early.

The Calamity endboard is obv worse than SHS' Calamity, but at least Dinos don't immediately die against some interruptions (especially Droll if you draw decent hand) and have respectable go 2nd OTK chance.

You can replace things like Dugares, Zeus, one of the Lagia/Dolkka, Pentestag, Cerb, and IP with stuff like:

  • Accel Synchro Stardust (in case you manage to resolve Gamma)
  • Abyss Dweller (great with the Calamity endboard if you're sure opp doesn't have Nibiru)
  • Cosmic Quasar I guess?
  • Other stuff you feel like might come up such as Knightmare Unicorn, Apollo, Accesscode, etc.

I only used this list for my M3 to M1 climb. The rest were on Endymion similar to @plague and @paulchaested's lists. This list can deffo be improved.

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