
Master I from on August 31st, 2023
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 570
43 cards

Notes & Combos

Sleepy Maiden was my favorite Marincess - not until she always appear in my hand with no other Marincess cards!

-- Applies to most Marincess connoisseurs (probably)

Why Icejade Gymir Aegirine?

It is an optional utility card that can be summoned in some ways whenever possible:

  • Ghost Sister + Kashtira Ogre
  • Ghost Sister + Lv. 4 Marincess + (Sea Horse / Sea Archiver)
  • Ghost Sister + Mandarin + Sea Horse + Sea Archiver [Not worth]

One could argue that Chengying is more effective in giving additional disruptions & is easier to summon with other Lv. 3 hand traps (e.g. Ash Blossom, Ghost Belle, Ghost Mourner, etc.) without having Ghost Sister in the deck but I prefer Gymir Aegirine for additional protection. But of course, she will not help you against Evenly Match.

Stealth Kragen but not used together with Gozen Match?

Not being dependent on several floodgates just to win games easier. Stealth Kragen is sometimes enough - both as a floodgate and as an additional disruption. What matters the most is the link climb with Marincess. This is not Kragen Control. 😅

Why not Dweller instead of Stealth Kragen? Also, why are there no back row removal cards in your deck?

With less Spright, Tearlaments and Branded players in the ladder (as of the moment), Dweller's usage fell off a bit. I have encountered less Labrynth and Traptrix players as well while also having more Dragon Link and Swordsoul matchups. It is important to have more hand traps than board breakers especially when up against those 2 overused decks. Although when up against consecutive decks that run back row, definitely would replace the Kashtira package with Evenly Match & Harpie's Feather Duster.

Why are you not running 2 Zealantis?

I did. However, Kashtira players likes to banish Great Bubble Reef & Aqua Argonaut instead of Zealantis. In this Marincess variant with more focus on hand traps, while it is the only board breaker I have (together with Nibiru), I sometimes feel the need to run another Zealantis instead of Crystal Heart or Aqua Argonaut for longer games.

What happened to Fenrir?
  • 4 hand traps in hand and no Marincess in sight
  • Special summon Fenrir to the field and then end the turn
  • The alien was hit by Raigeki from a Gren Maju 8-Axis player
  • Gone. Reduced to atoms.

I have bad luck with that card in this deck. 😆

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Only 3 sensible replays saved due to time constraints and busy schedule aside from the opponents (and also me) surrendering whenever:

  1. Against Kashtira
  2. Against Swordsoul Tenyi
  3. Against Dragon Link