
Master I from on August 23rd, 2023
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

661-137-080 for replays

Diviner - Targets: Trias, Vala, N'tss and Wyvern. Also, it's a good card to eat ash, since if it gets ashed, u can play Monstrosity, Loptr and field peacefully.

Nidhogg - some people dont play it and it's crazy lol if u don't use it I swear u swould try it out. Stops Baronne, Chaos Angel, Fenrir, Zeus, etc.

Veiler - good card in this format, and if u out of normals in your hand, it makes Sync plays.

Fenrir - Staple card. Great extender for us.

Bystials - played only 2 but I recommend playing at least 3, Tear still out there.

Gamma: Best card to protect Loptr. I hate Driver so bad, but at the end of the day, it (almost lol) worth it.

Ancient Sacred Wyvern - turns Diviner into a lv9 so u can xyz or monstrosity w her (also sometimes u can make a high atk Sync w Veiler + Bystial).

Accel - Gamma + Driver / Fenrir + veiler / negated or surviver Diviner + Bystial, then, play into Baronne.

Crocodragon - Diviner + Fenrir or Bystial + HT (I was also using Mourner and Ogre before add Gamma)

Chaos Angel - to my surprise, the most situational card in the extra deck, u can put it out if u want.

Donner - exceptional card to force stuff, especially with fenrir.

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661-137-080 for replays.

Most of the "different" cards on my list are being played on the last replays, so u guys can see how they're used.

Follow me to always watch some good Generaider duels :)

VS Japanese guy - Kash: rank up to M1.

VS VicDanLander - Swordsoul: Crocodragon and Nidhogg applications.

VS Japanese guy - Lab: Crazy chainlink 7 and grinding after took a Nib (without Boss Stage).

And the list goes... just watch it.