
Master I from on August 10th, 2023
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I climbed really fast this season because I have no idea if the first wave of Kashtira cards will completely kill pendulum or not. Shang is not limited and Diablosis didn't get pre-hit... I will be messing around with an experimental Kashtira Endymion list I've cooked up (copium) once they arrive but this list I climbed with is pretty much the same as previous season.

Extra Foolish Burial targets:

  • Herald of Arc Light: This will search for your Illusion of Chaos to search for Magician's Soul
  • Garura: Garura effectively turns EFB into a 4th Upstart
  • Ntss: Spot removal, good at getting rid things like Empem, Sulliek, Branded Beast and other backrows.

Notes and Tips:

  • I almost took out Sloth because Sloth is utterly useless against Lab, however most of my match ups were Branded Bystial, Dragon Link and Tears so Sloth stayed. Spright is still out there but not as prevelant as the other match ups.
  • I swapped Unicorn for Dharc, he's actually a lot more useful than I thought going second.
  • I almost cut Desires to 1 because this card has been p***ing me off so much lately, but sadly I'm keeping it at two.
  • Pot of Acquisitiveness: I'm experimenting with this card since you can return your's AND/OR your opponent's banished monsters as well (and specifically can be a disruption to Branded Regain's draw effect since it's a quick play lol). It's... okay for now. There is so much Bystials and Dragon Link players in Master rank so this card will have a decent chance to be usable. Plus you can recycle your Allure banished Endymion, Jackal... and sometimes Astrograph :(
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ID: 594-500-408

Endymion gameplays:
