
Master I from on April 17th, 2024
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 390
43 cards

Notes & Combos

43 cards aren't brick as you think, it's also consistent. D/D/D engine is optional, but I think you should put it your deck if you can. This engine can help you in your combo line by using Machinex to pop an Unchained card, bait ash (some guys I faced use Ash in my dark contract LOL), pop your opponent card when go second or attack then making Zeus. Remember, Vice King lock you in D/D/D monster, the only thing you can do with him is summon Machinex. The blue dog (Disaster) is a good card, it helps you break your opponent's board when go second, play through Nibiru and resummon an Unchained monster when getting destroyed. The only reason I didn't play Disaster was brick (it almost in my starting hand). There is a way to play through Nibiru, keep your normal summon and use it to normal Sarama.

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