
Master I from on April 28th, 2024
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 270
41 cards

Notes & Combos

72Ws-33Ls from P1or2 to M1 with Naturia Purrely exclusively M4 took me about 20+ games to get out and M5 was also **** but I blame myself for all the missplays I did otherwise win rate would've been much better.

Overall very happy with my list the only cons being not having enough handtraps and not wanting to go over 41 to not gimp my Purrely reveals. I can cut 2 slots to make space but I found the deck better as is.

third lyly never really came up third blessing is good and I was on 3 until I realized how much better the field spell is. Tried fitting in foolish of goods but didn't quite like it. The Hi-Speedroid Hagoita tech to turbo a naturally made plump is cool but is very win more and doesn't come up often so I dropped it for the donner utility.

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