Gunkan Suship

Master I from on April 30th, 2024
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 690
40 cards

Notes & Combos

✨⭐️✨ I D :091-690-479 ✨⭐️✨ Add Me Replays up on profile.

  • Replay 1, 2 turns: Get to go 1st, exactly what the deck was meant to do. The deck has a ton of draw power making it perfect for always replenishing it's backrow each turn or just killing opponent on turn 3. Ofc its against a deck that WANTS to banish but whatever the point is made.
  • Replay 2 vs Korean player, 2 turns: Forced to go 2nd vs Anti-Meta, doesn't matter this deck literally thrives against your floodgates and Barrier Statues. Have you seen the attack of my Vanilla?
  • Replay 3 vs Japanese player, 8 turns: Forced to go 2nd, both players have Maxx C every turn and you see why Suship always wins in a Maxx C mini-game.

Suship! 🍣 x 🚢

Background of season/short vent: I actually really hated this month. I tried 3 different concepts for Suship as well as Monarchs, To ons, Subterror, and Myutant all without being able to make Master 1. It is 2 hours before the season ends and I finally made Master 1.

Anyway, vent over, this deck goes 1st. Thats it, win the coin toss and win the game. The deck does not lose to Maxx C. It specifically counters Snake Eyes. If you go 2nd the goal is to maxx Zeus, crack board, and set up backrow which is acceptable enough that with the going 1st potential the deck has >50% win rate against Sneyes.

The way I wanted to play this deck ideally was break board and either go for game or maze Zeus and win turn 4. However this just doesn't work. The Snake-Eyes deck is SO RECURSIVE with its resources. Zeus does next to nothing to them. Or you break their board but it doesn't matter as Flambergh just summons 2 monsters that then summon another monster and search 2 cards. If you are looking to make Master 2-3 this is a very fun way to play the deck though, the preffered modality I found was SPoly + Triple Tac/Talents + Evenly and then one of spells (Raigeki, Harpie's, LStorm, Change of Heart etc).

Changes to consider:

  • TTT is kind of a brick since the idea is to go 1st, but in the rare instance of Maxx C / Ash you can just not play into it and read your opponen's hand.
  • Helios is a brick but its one of my favorite cards and this deck is rank 4 turbo so 🤷 .
  • Make it blind 2nd and have more fun than I did.
  • Unexpected Dai vs Painful decision is a very tough call. Dai plays into Maxx C, but Painful is countered by your own Macro. I found few games lasted until turn 5+ so I chose Painful myself.
  • Springans engine is a very synergystic idea that can play around Gozen.
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