
Legend Anthology from on February 21st, 2023
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

After playing Windwitch burn, I wanted to play more sane version with greater emphasis on the maindeck witches. This list netted me a 13 winstreak out of the gate, and probably could have been a fair bit higher if I didn't misplay out of my mind, woopsie.

Gameplay-wise it's mostly just Crystal Wing turbo and use staples where relevant. Works well enough for me. I like Wind Pegasus' GY effect more than Winter Bell's burn, so it's the one I've doubled up on.

Blizzard Bell seems wholly unnecessary outside of hands that allow all 5 witches to be on field, so I left it at 1 as a potential Chimes search target. But the potential doesn't seem worth the draw in most cases, so it should probably be cut. I did manage to resolve it as a handtrap pop once with Diamond Bell, but a 1-for-1 isn't exactly groundbreaking for the setup required.

Same for Change of Heart: since I'm not running links, getting rid of whatever's been stolen is a gamble (synchros, or do battle damage with Diamond Bell on field to pop it). Should probably be cut, but it's funny and has netted me at least one blowout, so it stays for now.

With Blizzard Bell mostly cut, the normal summon is still usually free so I'm continuing to use a small spellbook engine for draws. I've tried running a larger set of Spellbooks, but Fate's payoff doesn't seem worth the dead draw potential/opportunity cost of losing staples for other gimmicky spellbooks to make it more consistent.

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