Dark Magician

Legend Anthology from on February 17th, 2023
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 510
41 cards

Notes & Combos

DM deck with multiple routes to different plays. The standard route would be to get Magician's Rod first, leading to salvation and setting Eternal Soul (ES) + Dark Magic Circle, but reality would probably lead you to a few combos:

  • Illusion = Rod or Magicians' Soul (MS).
  • Rod/MS + Illusion = DM with circle and ES.
  • Rod/MS + Illusion + Circle = DM with circle and ES + Fusion monsters.

Depending on your hand, it is completely viable for you to single-handedly summon Quintet Magician with a starting hand. Rod can search for Secrets if you have 5 spellcasters in hand, but the common route would usually be Magicalized Fusion after cycling your spellcasters from hand into Crowley and Artemis, then using the spellbooks to draw more spellcasters and discarding them.

This deck also has a secret boss monster: The Arrival Cyberse

In longer games, when you have the opportunity to put two DMs on the field, you can summon Galaxy Tomahawk, which leads to:

  • LANphorhynchus + Defender of the Labyrinth + Token + any spellcaster you have on hand.

It's not the best way to summon, but it's a combination I could fit into the Extra Deck, since I don't need other DM fusion monsters.

Lol, don't expect this deck to be viable in any way in ranked.

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