
Legend Anthology from on February 17th, 2023
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 780
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Made this deck on a whim, haven't really improved the ratios so feel free to adjust whatever feels bricky. Decided to tech in Super Poly due to the chances of facing DARK decks and due to having more cards that still go off even when discarded. Ideally, you want to end on Cyberdark End t1 since it becomes very difficult to out unless the enemy has something like a Starving Venom or any card that can gain massive amounts of attacks.

I recommend probably adding more Cyberdark Invasion for the sake of having extra ATK. I haven't tech'd in Cyber Eternal but it is worth considering when running more copies of Cyberdark Invasion.

You can also easily OTK with either Cyber End or Chimeratech Rampage. Cyber End is particularly great vs anyone with less than 2100 DEF or ATK since you can get Sieger + Power Bond boost and you have Piercing Battle Damage. Chimeratech is great for attacking multiple times since it does total out to 6.3k per attack.

That's all, cheers and good luck with the event! I'm active on the r/Yugioh Sub Server so feel free to find me there for questions. Nickname's Dragon Enjoyer

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