
Legend Anthology - Acceleration from on February 13th, 2024
cp-ur 330 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

049578024 for replays.

Extra deck is just the cards that matter. Link 3 comes up more often with One for One and multiple Pook. If you play 3 crackdown like me then generic link monster can be useful (eg. access/transcode talker).

Altergeist link 4 can come up for OTK etc. but if you are in a position to summon it you are probably already winning tbh.

The only main deck UR that you need is multifaker, everything else is user preference. There are non UR traps like Recall, Lose 1 turn, Ledger, Broken line, Fiendish Chain etc. that can be used.

Low key amazement might be the better trap deck this format tho.... think its unhit while weve taken a beating with geists.

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