Umi Control

Duelist Cup Stage 2 Win Streaks from on October 29th, 2023
cp-ur 540 + cp-sr 660
40 cards

Notes & Combos

3 Days ago, I decided as the best umi control palyer in yugioh to get to masters with the deck. I tried various list and came up with one that looks slightly like this one but was stuggling againts lab due it being umis hardest match up. So I decided to add 2 red reboot and 1 duster, this decks easiest match ups are kashtria, spright, branded, Rikka, runick, scareclaw, floow. its hardest match ups are Sharks, Lab and purrely. I had a 73% winrate with this deck throughout my run and I would suggest other people try out Umi Kashtira as well.

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Replays my youtube has alot of umi content so if you want to see more umi sub to my yt. I also have a few replys on my master duel account as well id being 699-311-557.