
Duelist Cup Stage 2 Win Streaks from on March 23rd, 2024
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

@Ignister deck with the new small world technology.

You can basically search your whole deck and any starter or extender through any card in your hand. 90% chance of opening a 1 card full coombo starter.

Full combo ends on Arrival Cyberse, Firewall and Singularity with Pegasus and Danmari in GY. If you get Nibbed you make a 3-4k Arrival Cyberse and that is enough to beat most decks by itself.

Tips: the only way most decks can out Arrival is with Accesscode attacking him, so in the BP you use Danmari on Accesscode to make him 2300. Keep Nibiru in hand to prevent your opponent from making Underworld Goddess.

P.s. Veiler in the list is because of the small world, Imperm is a better card overall but this gets you your starters

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