
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on October 21st, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 540
45 cards

Notes & Combos

This is BeGe's list from 10/16, you should definitely go see their comments on the deck first. It looked unique, and after playing it, I agree with his card choices.

Dropping parallel exceed and called by works and makes the deck much more resistant to maxx c. Making sera is just one draw and then if you have cards to set you're basically good to go.

Having some kind of trap to trigger sera for pudica to remove a monster or myrmeleo to pop a backrow on your opponent's turn is huge. Having holetea set can summon either from deck to interupt your opponent at any point time. Holding sera's summon from deck is important sometimes, especially when they haven't made any plays yet. Don't let them bait you into wasting sera if they imperm for no reason.

Going second isn't too bad with a 9 handtrap lineup along with evenly matched and fenrir also does wonders.

I swapped out exciton for accesscode and he came up a few times.

Small world is ridiculous when it does come up, knowing the weirder lines will help a lot.

Aussa stealing fenrir came up a surprising amount, was funny.

All in all, pretty good list, surprised at the results myself.

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ID: 957-956-826

Most replays going 2nd after losing toss.

Top game against deez is my rank up to d20, grinded out a branded player. Cool name.

Bob and jp name are against lab, opened evenly on one, second one looked like a completely lost cause but thrust saved me.

HeHe evenly'd me for my life savings, built back.

Fun dlink game where I get maxx c'd.

Megafang was playing purrely, pretty good game.

Pastamystic is playing purrely going first and maxx c'd me on my turn.