
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on October 30th, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 360
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Spright beats the **** out of Kashtira, having both access to Zeus without activating a monster effect and decent ability to play through Shifter. Main reason you don't see it much is that the main deck Spright hits hurt consistency and the Frog and Beaver hits killed the historically best Level 2 engines.

The actual power of the Spright endboard hasn't suffered a bit; so long as you stan our lord and saviour Hero Kid.

You can get Hero Kid off Gigantic if you have access to Blue or send it with Sprind to summon with Elf if you didn't need Elf to anything else. Dark Beckoning Beast engine works great with Hero Kid since, if you have both in the hand, you can pitch the Hero Kid for cost to later summon with Elf.

Sprind can detach from a face-down XYZ to bounce monsters, even though you don't actually see the materials on the Master Duel client. Funny when it happens and doesn't come up much, but it has once, which is why I bring it up.

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ID: 418-253-646

Replays are in Master rank, but the deck is the same. You can end on a ton of interaction, but I don't tend to save blowouts as much as triumphs going second, since that's where Spright historically suffers.