
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on October 21st, 2023
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 420
42 cards

Notes & Combos

I have elected to remove handtraps. 99% of your duels are:

  1. Thrust/Talents (in general most duelists)
  2. Kashtira (looking at you, Unicorn)
  3. Stun

Most popular decks don't care about being maxx c'ed. The few that do get decimated by this deck anyway. No reason to continue to put myself in a position to get thrust/talents, unicorn'ed, or just going -1 (or hand rip + hand knowledge) because they negate.

2 of galatea and dingirsu. This is half because Kash players ONLY rip the orcust cards out my deck and none of the boss monsters, and half because I pulled a 2nd royal galatea. The hilarious part of all this is Kash players still opt banish dingirsu instead of anything else even though they see 2. Orcust players, what have you done to the playerbase??

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If you go to Master Duel, watch me massacre players on ladder :)