Ancient Warriors

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on October 26th, 2023
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Glad I was using a going-second deck, since I only won the coin flip twice from DLv. 17 onward.

Arise-Heart is theoretically a problem since his continuous effect prevents Sun Mou, Liu Xuan, and Dragon Lords from activating their effects. And yet, I'm pretty sure I went undefeated against Kashtira — at least from what I can remember. Thrust, Talents, Change of Heart, and Herald all play well in Kashtira, and Kurikara is essentially an OTK.

The toughest match-up is Labrynth by a wide margin. Thrust helps to find backrow destruction, but even then, they can often avoid being OTK'd by summoning an untargetable Lady Labrynth during the Battle Phase. If they don't control any set Spells/Traps, then you can just have Dragon Lords ready to bounce away Lady Labrynth when they summon her.

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ID: 830-124-995

The last few replays are from the Duelist Cup.