Vanquish Soul

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 20th, 2024
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 510
43 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck has been a new love of mine since playing this on paper and MD! It scratches the itch I have as primarily a combo duelist to play a deck that does well going first and second, is more control-oriented, and can play a decent amount of hand traps without dying to Maxx C.

That being said, I set up my attributes and non-engine to deal with my perceived weaknesses of the deck. SPoly plays well against Branded and Tear, decks I tend to struggle with on VS. The card can be swapped out for imperms based on your matchups, but I've found SPoly is almost always live unless you match up against Swordsoul. Dragostap is a free monster negate, Garura is great when swinging for game, and Mudragon can ensure your Razen or whatever other monster you want to resolve doesn't get veilered/imperm'd if you don't have something to tag it out with. Near the end of my climb, I swapped out Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste for Security Dragon since I found myself needing the latter more, but if you're running into a lot of Borreload Savage/Bystial Dispater + Baronne boards, it's worth considering to add DK back in the ED.

I also play 1 small world for easy access to Kumongous and Kurikara to out monsters with floating effects when destroyed/sent to gy (i.e. Kitkallos). Rest is pretty standard!

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