
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 21st, 2024
cp-ur 480 + cp-sr 720
40 cards

Notes & Combos

! Disclaimer !

DON'T TRY AT HOME This was an absolute madness, the deck still lacks its core support, but with a lot of time and effort you can make it.

This strategy isn't mine and plays around making baronne + moulinglacia to rip 2 from opponent's hand. Best Endboard is Baronne, Septentrion, crystal wing, gymir, "****** steal", either (or both) "book of moon" / "mystical space typhoon" and eventual handtraps. Expect to brick a lot, problem isn't power but rather consistency and that's partially covered by upcoming support (where konami!)

I'm too lazy to set up replays since i mostly saved the meme ones but if you need any help or are just curious ping me or anyone of the ursa community in the Ursarctic discord channel :)

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