
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 15th, 2024
cp-ur 1230 + cp-sr 300
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Total : 30-13 (69.8%)

Win rate going 1st: 88%

Win rate going 2nd: 44%

Ran into a good amount of Stun/Trap/Floodgate type decks so I replaced a Veiler and a TTT with 2 cards to address backrow. I think it's the right approach because there's still a ton of diversity and you don't need to solely focus on building your deck for the mirror. (I only played the mirror 4 out of the 43 games)

For this deck, everyone's list is gonna be more or less the same, but I do think that with the lack of consistency, Prosp should be considered a staple. (For the same reason I don't understand lists that only run 2 Poplar.) I debated a lot over the Kurikara slot. Sometimes you wish that you had drew a hand trap instead, but other times you really appreciate having that option in your deck. Ultimately I think it being a searchable card just offers more value than the downside of hard-drawing it.

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