
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 15th, 2024
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 390
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Made some updates to the list since M1, refer to my M1 deck for combo break downs.


  • Red Layer - Good free special summon, searchable off durendal going second, fat booty so he can beat over apollousas. Just nice to draw, always useful. Also kinda looks like a ninja, right? He's got that Zed claw thing going on.

  • Spright Carrot - Turns out you can add a spell and trap negate to your board if you start with terrortop. After making apollousa, you can go into gigantic with mitsu + cross sheep, get carrot, then make elf, so your end board if they completely leave you alone as far as hand traps is Meizen, Dupe, 3 negate apo, elf, and carrot. No more dying to evenly!

(disclaimer: I only got to do this like once the entire climb because they always had hand traps lol... but carrot is a free SS anyway)

  • Borrelsword FIRED, unicorn + Access HIRED. Lots of back row decks these days, I found myself wanting to pop traps pretty often before going for OTK and Accesscode is very easy to make after a dupe play for followup. Just nice to clean up the left over junk off the board.

  • Flameswordsman link: This lets you use nibiru + nibiru token after getting nibbed and you have TTT to make a warrior for isolde. Comes up so much that I actually cut a yaguramaru for it. I legit hardly ever need more than 1 yagu anyway.

That's it! Good luck and have fun my Ninjas!

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Replays: 371-598-320