
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 17th, 2023
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 750
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Back again with my favorite archtype/trap deck and I finally had time to play in the duelist cup. Overall easy 2 days of climbing to DLv 20. Also had a 10 game win streak between 15-18. Then another 7 win streak. The floodgate version of eldlich is superior in my opinion and I had no trouble with any deck besides this new Ishizu Chaos (Played against it 4 times and lost each time). The deck was mainly inspired by top 16 winner DaelinView from YCS Lima. I thought hey why not see how this works in master duel and surprisingly it surpassed my expectations. Here are some deck changes/recommendations I made:

Golem for ash blossom - Ash isn't that great in this format and golem helps tremedously for breaking boards.

Prosp vs extrav - DaelinView is able to play 3 prosp which is very impactful in this deck. Unfortunately we only have access to 1 in master duel. I supplemented the other 2 with extrav so I have 3 draw cards total. I saw these cards enough this way but you can play 3 extrav if you want

1 Cursed Eldland - Its fine. Great draw when you have it but it isn't really needed.

Evenly - IS A MUST. Won so many games baiting negates and then evenly destroys the board. I have replays showcasing this. You really have to be efficient with baiting negates.

Heavenly prison - Not necessary. It does help with follow up but I played 2 since I didnt want to see it as much.

Floodgates - All are necessary. Imperial Iron wall is the only one that is controversial. Obviously it conflicts with eldlich engine but it hits other decks harder than I thought. You need to be strategic with it and your eldlich engine.

Judgement - Necessary. Won so many games hitting their harpies feather duster with it (and I got got harpied almost every other game)

Extra Deck - Barely used. 3 n'tss is recommended for dogmatika and so that extrav doesn't banish all of them. Linguriboh is just in case for iblee. I highly recommend 2 Rail Cannons. The rest is what you want. Dont use Ptolemy the card is trash and idk why DaelinView used it in the YCS. Cant even use its effect the turn you overlay it over Pleiades.

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I have a bunch of eldlich replays for you guys to check out. Follow for more eldlich content is you want to.

ID: 139-318-994

Also to give a shoutout to what inspired this deck. Here is a link to the pilot and the actual eldlich deck that was played in YCS Lima that got Top 16. invalid url