
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 16th, 2023
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 570
41 cards

Notes & Combos

I prefer the 40 card instead of the 60 card because of this maxx c meta. You really want to draw your maxx c counters because if you don't draw it you are basically toast. You can't really play through maxx c in this meta. I tried running bagooska for it but theres just too much counters to it.

Scythe lock is almost mandatory in this meta. You get it by making baronne and dagda. Make sure you toggle on, activate dagda by activating your other card effect in the field, setting scythe, pop it with baronne, and in the opponent's standby phase, baronne revive the scythe.

It can stop plays with deck that has many way to break your board such as despia with super poly, spright with lava golem, and many others. It can also "dodge" dark ruler no more by scythe locking extra deck in the start of the standby phase rather than main phase. Additionally, if you really want your opponent to not play, make arc light to avoid droplet (they can't send monster to the graveyard because of arc effect)

The ideal end board in my opinion is Apollousa, Baronne, Scythe in grave, Borreload, Arc Light, Elf/IP. Prioritize apollousa, baronne, and scythe in that order.

Make sure to always have koa'ki to guard yourself from handtraps and nibiru. Make appo as fast as you can. Sometimes you want to eat handtraps so you don't die to nibiru and sometimes if you know your opponent doesn't have nibiru you can go ham. Remember, opponent usually surrender after your first 3-7 summons. If they don't surrender that means they have something that can break your board or they are coping to themself.

Going second is rough, you basically have to draw all gas and block dragon just to have a chance. Prioritize making baronne and dragite to hopefully break your opponent board.

You can cut earth charmer for dweller if you face too many ishizu or for chengying to avoid your opponent destroying your arc light in battle phase. You can maybe cut revival golem because it rarely comes up for me.

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  • "BANMAxxC" is the greedy setting up ideal board, this easily dies to nibiru but shows how to set up the dagda
  • "变成光守护嘉然小姐" is the safe one but doesn't show how to set up the dagda because I drew it
  • "RST" I ate the ash because I open really good
  • "ミントの味訪問琴" got hit by ash, still can play because of good hand
  • "Zero" Kill through Maxx C