
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 12th, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 330
42 cards

Notes & Combos

This is how I tried to use the unbanned Zoodiacs. I think that this deck is quite good and incredibly consistent.

The Zoodiac ratios are fully individual and I just liked these ratios. Bunnyblast is useless so I dont run it. Kataroost and Thoroughblade are nice to have access to, so i run them at one. Ratpier, Whiptail and Ramram are our main Zoodiac combo pieces so we run more of them.

Kashtira is just a full package without the traps and Ogre.

Along with it we run a full Thrust package. I played this because I was losing like 80% of coin tosses for some reason and this helped immensely going 2nd. Herald is for Purrely, Talents is good against every deck, and Dim Barrier is amazing if you do end up going 1st.

All in all we run 20 1-card combos (almost half the deck) and 2 2-card combos so it is very rare to actually brick completely.

Any way of getting Ramram on board (with Barrage) or in the GY (Thorough or Ratpier) together with another Zoo to Normal ends on UDF and Drident with no mats. If you then have Whiptail your drident will also have 1 mat. Together with any Unicorn you can end on:

Shangri-Ira, Arise-Heart, Fenrir, UDF, Drident (1mat) and Handtraps or Dim Barrier.

Ghost Belle was originally used to enforce our handtraps but it never really came up and it is probably better to just run 1 Zoodiac Combo for Ratpier to send.

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Profile ID: 228-666-918

Replay 1 (vs Catto): shows the basic Zoodiac combo with just Ratpier.

Replay 2 (vs Ace): Shows a good example of going 2nd with mostly engine

Replay 3 (vs Maverick): a perfect example of how good this deck can be going 2nd

Replay 4 (vs pHaNtOmZ): shows the whole combo of Kash and Zoo (Drident was impermed away unfotrunately)