
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 13th, 2023
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 750
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Why does this deck not have Grass?

I forgot to put it in.

This is cards turbo. Got to Dlv. Max with mostly it, though some games I did play Purrely to avoid rank downs. Is it a good deck? No! Absolutely not. But I had fun when I had fun.

You use your Punks and Tears to mill and hit whatever payoffs you can--Snow, the lv2 tuners, Nimble Angler, and the second fuser. Tears are super accessible through Dragon Ravine through Destrudo + Ancient Fairy Dragon, and then typically end your combo with the Spright engine cause it's easy to have a spare 2 lying around + a Sprind you used to send Shinobi Necro/Ringwurm to GY. Either that or you have random leftover monsters lying around to turn into a link-2, and then you just make Gigantic with Sprind + link 2. Endboards typically look like Bystial Spright Synchro boards - Elf, IP, Baronne, Dis Pater, Red/Carrot, sometimes Rulkallos, and you'll often have Snow in GY.

The deck plays through handtraps pretty decently cause you have so many starters and you have ways of making early Baronnes, but even if you get handtrapped a ton you can fall back on the Spright engine because any 3 random bodies is just Spright combo through Sprind (you make a link 2 then make Sprind). Curious can occasionally help you extend through handtraps too.

The deck used to have Cherubini in it to turn the Dangers/negated Ze Amins into Adventurer access while keeping a 2 on the field for Sprind into Spright combo, but I cut it for a more generic 2 in Cross-Sheep cause Cherubini didn't come up much. The Adventure package is definitely the worst part of this steaming mess.

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