Plunder Patroll

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 9th, 2023
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 570
60 cards

Notes & Combos

I liked this Duelist Cup - it was a lot more fun than Octobers. It was a pretty easy climb too. That said, its xmas time, so I doubt I'll probably ladder too much in Stage 2.

Anyway, there isn't much to say here - its similar to a previous iteration. I used to have Kaiju's and a Smal lWorld package but I cut those in favor of graveyard hate, since I didn't find Kaiju's very effective against Mathmech, and I'd rather prevent them from reaching their optimal board in the first place.

Deck feels ok against some of the major hand traps right now. Ash sucks but if they Ash a Lab Trap, then your Plunder's can resolve, or Maxx C is more likely to go through etc etc. Droll is a lot more common at the moment, but its a minor inconvience. As always, Maxx C is a fun, interactive card but you don't have to play into it too much with this deck, usually its only like 1-2 draws if any.

For the ED I doubt I'd change much. White woman jump scare was rare but basically always won the game when it did so I'd recommend keeping it. I'm testing to see if I can find a better replacement for Baron but I guess its ok. Might drop a Cooclock for an extra Bystial just to make Level 10 Synchro's a bit easier, but usually you would want to go into Blackbeard anyway.

I added a couple of replays in case anyone wants to see how the deck works. Actual good replays were hard to come by because people misplay and stuff, or you just hand trap them into oblivion but its not like the deck is big brain or anything - you just need to sequence your interruptions appropriately.

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Replays ID: 780-154-854