
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 12th, 2023
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 540
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Cyberse Libromancer Duelist LV20

Excellent when going first, but also good when going second since lethal is relatively easy and the systems are resilient against interruptions.

When going first, starting with Libros gets you into Rank4 Almbertian which gets you circular.

Use circular to proc both Witch and Wickid, then proceed to make Link6 by climbing splash mage and protectcode talker.

Then, revive Protectcode and ritual summon Sage to make Link5 Darkfluid with 4 counters. Set Superfactorial and pass with L6+L5+Superfactorial+GY DeSaveWurm+GY Wind pegasus.

The above can be done by 1 Libromancer+Any ritual monster, as long as there are spells to banish for cyberse witch.


When going second, start by using Libros to bait out negates. Use Rit4 Magigirl to force out negates if opponents does not use the negates. Then proceed to climb with cyberse stuff.

Remove stuff with Pegasus, Dyna Mondo, Laplacian, and Accesscode.

Kill by Accesscode(with jammer), Darkfluid or Fireburst.

Accesscode: Can clear spells/traps before battle phase.

Darkfluid: Can negate annoying monsters that can interfer with lethal.

Fireburst: Can be summoned under 5 special summons.

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Going First:

Link5 Darkfluid at the end

Going Second: