
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 12th, 2023
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The goal is to have a stronger endboard. The perfect endboard consist of: F0, Gallant granite, (grabbing Nibiru) and Ariseheart with Raider's Wing attached, so be sure to make Arise before detach from Granite. Blast dragon if you have enough non-engine. Always remember Kashtira board is very fragile and probably gonna be broken, so diversify your interactions.

Non-engine: could be shifter, could be thrust with 2 lightning storms or dark hole. Honestly i don't had enough URs points. Forbidden Lance is worth every spot, there's is too many stun decks, impermanence and talent.

Consistency: prefer desires then pathfinder. Could add Reichphobia and/or Perlereino (with tear kash). Small World did not work for me, so i think desires is overall better.

If you have Dracossack is also worthy. Red-eyes rank 7 deserves consideration.

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