
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 17th, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 690
41 cards

Notes & Combos

✨🧊 Icejade Best Deck LET'S GOO🥳✨🧊

Basic Combo:

  • NS Diva -> SS Guitar -> double diva lvl -> Prima Donna -> SS Aegirine -> search Cradle -> Synchro Baronne; then activate Cradle search Ran -> activate Ran discard 1 water/icejade -> Synchro Gymir or Chengying

Why Arise in the ED? it's good when facing Kashtira going 2nd if we have Fenrir (it's optional though): SS Fenrir -> SS Arise -> ATK -> Zeus -> Wipe their board

Minimum ED needed: 1x Prima Donna 1x Baronne 1x Chengying 1x Gymir 1x Marincess Coral Anemone

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Don't have the replay yet but you can see the basic gameplay of Icejade in my channel here: Icejade Playlist