Cyberse Eldlich

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on August 16th, 2022
cp-ur 1230 + cp-sr 600
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Typical Cyberse Eldlich with a few changes, mostly more Droll to stop the opponent from preventing Link Disciple via Crossout/higher chance at shutting down Floowandereeze and stopping Adventure set ups.

Droplet came up often so it's mostly played as a Crossout target, plus alongside it's regular benefits it can also get unneeded Eldlich cards in the GY to set that up for later.

Ghost Belle wasn't common in my experience plus I was somehow lucky and barely came across Prank Kids, but I would play around and see what suits you better. If it were me I'd cut a copy of Droll and maybe one copy of Small World.

Zeroboros came up a grand total of one time, so consider it a flex slot for other Extra Deck monsters.

I sure wish the Dharc Link Monster was in the game. :(

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