
Duel Triangle Fusion/Synchro/Xyz from on April 22nd, 2024
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

was able to finish building exosister early into the event so this was a learning experience

personally i really enjoyed a 1 of for both carpedivem and arment- Arment is solely to try and recover from a bricky hand aslong as you have 1 exosister on board, and carpedivem is a go to search from mikailis if you already have one or both exo traps in hand, one of the replays from the 5 winstreak had it just make a branded player suffer, also good nib dodger to if you plan on setting up 2 xyz turn 1

nib legit had 0 value in every game i played- probally bc its only at one and i never drew it when needed- but still notable

also i went 2 aratama 3 sakitama because aratama takes your first normal to get value from it while sakitama doesnt, so saki felt less bricky than aratama

also downard, zeus and ninaru never came up- but was better safe than sorry to have some tech in the ED

to end this out- lesbian nuns funny

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some decent replays from the event- xiao is the mentioned branded one showing off carpedivem