
Diamond V from on March 31st, 2023
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 450
44 cards

Notes & Combos

This run to D5 was streamed live at

It's Nordics; at this point it's nothing you havent's seen before. I'm playing a lot of Links in the Extra, because they're more likely to get Summoned over Synchros like Psychic End Punisher. Despite this, I did not Summon IP at all this month. Oops.

The meta is very rough for Nordics right now but it's still a very consistent Deck yknow. So long as you go first with any Nordic, any Adventure starter and/or Small World (you can search anything you want off of anything), backed by a handtrap or two... or three, the sheer control power of Svalinn should win you games.

There is no Souls package. I ate it.


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349-181-222 got some cool replays