
Diamond V from on March 29th, 2023
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 600
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Testing Mayakashi Eldlich with new support. Build will prob change after. Notably I didn't play mezuki which I prob should have.

After years waiting in Duel links(ICANT) for just hajun, the new support dropped from the sky to stop the maya channel from rioting every day. Much love to all members there on copium through the difficult times.

New Cards

The link 3 Icicle allows hajun to become a 1 card link 4 while also non targeting revive a maya synchro for their effects. The primary targets are yoko (non-target mon pop) and tengu(non-target spell/trap pop). Being a mon effect in grave, it can also trigger the link 4 negate.

The busted new maya trap just wins the game if your opponent doesn't have handtraps and isnt floodgate runick. It can also recycle the banished link 3 for more synchro revives.


The advantage of the Eldlitch engine is grindability and better going 2nd removal with the lord. The eldlixirs also support the maya synchros by reviving them from the grave or special summoning hajun from deck.

The zombie world engine is hit or miss. Balerdroch is a powerful monster but can brick in hand or if ZW is gone. ZW still shutsdown floo (which is unaffected by the trap) and some cyberse decks.

Possible Turn 1 play:

This may be too resource intensive but I prefer getting 2 link 3 maya in grave in the climb. After you climb from hajun to link 3, you can go back down to the link 2, then go back to link 3 and finally link 4. Now you can revive tsuchigumo for mills (hopefully eldlich cards) with one of them. This is especially good if you open the trap since you tribute tsuchigumo instead of link 4 yuki-onna. The biggest downside is ishizu... if you help ur opponent then welp.

Against Branded:

I learned this type of play from @zantos. The biggest difference with the new support is that you can stop lubellion off branded fusion if you open the full climb. While having link 4 on the field, Chain the link 3 upon branded fusion activation. On resolution, the link 4 will negate lubellion since a mon effect was activated in grave.

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Master Duel ID: 093-478-666

Replay 1: Rank up match vs drytron. Took maxx C challenge with followup trap.

Replay 2: just turn 1 trap winning

Replay 3: Branded fusion interaction. Unfortunately they had superpoly but it was a good match with missplays.