
Diamond V from on March 29th, 2023
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 780
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Pretty standard mill list, packed with a lot of card draw for consistency. Popperup is an insane card in this deck, allowing you to discard and draw 3, potentially setting up Bone Tower plays from the graveyard by discarding bone tower + mezuki for example, or a Gozuki which will then special summon Bone Tower from hand.

Card destruction is a funny 1-of that sacks the **** out of your opponent when they Maxx C you. Sometimes you get Nibiru'd and it really comes in a clutch.

I'm overall pretty happy with the consistency of this deck, but if you feel like it could be improved I would recommend swapping 3 Dark World Dealings or 3 Into the Void for 3 Chicken Game.

Call of the Mummy can also be swapped out for anything else, it is there mainly as a copium alternative to get Bone Tower online in crusty hands, as well as possibly allowing you to set 2 Bone Towers simultaneously (yes, Bone Towers do stack). However it is definitely not mandatory, so feel free to remove it if you want.

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