
Diamond V from on June 18th, 2023
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

You have 3 starters. First is the classic rappa start. Then Sublimation can start s-force with the isolde line. Lastly branded fusion allows you to send retroactive or gravitino to the graveyard to nake albion then make mirrorjade. Retro on graveyard can be used as cost for rappa's effect. You only send gravitino to the graveyard if you have lapcewell and rappa on hand.

Banish lapcewell with rappa, summon pla-tina to get lapcewell then lapcewell summons gravitino from the graveyard.

Bystial does what they do. They can also help you on setting up your banish pile. If you have a lapcewell on graveyard, you can banish it with the bystials so you can special summon it with pla-tina.

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