
Diamond V from on June 10th, 2023
cp-ur 510 + cp-sr 720
40 cards

Notes & Combos

In general, your standard combo is to go into Hugin, NS a tuner, and make Cupid Pitch. Cupid Pitch + an additional runick spell makes Geri. Tune Geri + Pitch into Arion and search Hop Ear, and Fountain shuffles back your Runick spell and nets you additional draws, while Arion banishes a tuner.

Usually this leaves you with Fountain + Arion on field, with a tuner banished ready to SS itself during your opponents turn, as well as Hop Ear in hand.

Gamma is great in this build because people don't respect it and trigger Ash or Maxx C the moment they see a runick spell. You can also do stuff like Deep Beyond on your opponents turn, board wipe them, and then if your opponent has follow up you can trigger Gamma with Hop Ear in hand to SS both and then use Hop Ear and Driver to make a Synchro 8.

Speaking of Maxx C, while it hurts, you can sorta play around it if you have Fountain access and enough Runick cards to interrupt. Fountain Pass isn't super threatening, but it gets better if you have extenders on your opponents turn like Hop Ear, Snop, or a Ghoti tuner reviving itself.

I'm not really a great runick player, but this variant is kinda fun to play with as it feels very 'anime' with all the playmaking you do on your opponents turn.

I do think that HT Ghoti is a better choice the higher up the ladder you go though because sometimes your Runick hands don't break boards enough for you going second.

The only card that I would potentially take out is one Hop Ear for a different Cupid Pitch target, since sometimes you draw one or both Hop Ear and it makes the Cupid Pitch line pointless.

If people want I can upload some replays but the deck/combo's are fairly straightfoward.

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